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This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized
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Modern Humanities Research Association
THE year 1924 will see the publication of Volume XIX of the Association’s
journal, the Modern Language Review.
Two years ago, when the Association took over the Review, the finances
of the journal were in such a condition that it seemed unlikely it could con-
tinue. Last year there was a deficit on the year’s working of £120. This year,
by means of great efforts, we have reduced this to £75.
Our great hope during 1924 is to wipe out this deficit entirely and to that
end we make a special appeal to a// members to send us their subscriptions;
one hundred additional subscribers, and our end will be attained.
The 1923 volume contains 520 pages, and it would be difficult to find
any review in Europe, of the same high and scholarly standard, which is
larger and better at the price of fifteen shillings, postage (to any part of the
world) included. Even to non-members, who pay twenty-five shillings, the
Review can hardly be called unduly expensive.
Those who wish may still purchase the 1923 volume by enclosing an
additional fifteen shillings with their order. Address: The Hon. Treasurer,
M.H.R.A., The University, Liverpool.
Applications for inclusion of original work in the new Research Series
to be issued by the Association are at the time of writing being considered
by the referees appointed by the Publications Sub-Committee. The number
of applications was not quite as large as had been expected, but nevertheless
was very satisfactory, and the standard so high that it was not easy to make
the final choice of three manuscripts which are now being read. We hope in
our next number to be able to make an announcement as to the inauguration
of the Series.
It is not yet certain precisely what form the conditions of application for
inclusion in the Series will take next year, but as it is likely that they will
not differ greatly from those published in the October Bulletin, we would
direct the attention of intending applicants to that number. We may add that
the Committee is always glad to hear of good work which needs publication,
for, though at present the funds of the Association do not admit of lavish
publishing, it is frequently able to advise and may in exceptional cases be
able to publish outside the Series referred to.
The following new Correspondents have been appointed since the last
Bulletin was issued :—India: Professor C. L. Wrenn, The University, Dacca,
India. Durham: Miss G. Craig Houston, St Mary’s College, Durham. We
regret that the name of M. René Galland, our Correspondent for Grenoble,
was omitted from the Annual List recently published.
The Hon. Secretary particularly asks that all members communicating
with himself or with ihe Hon. Treasurer will mark their envelopes clearly
with the words M.H.R.A. It is better that envelopes should be addressed to
““The Hon. Secretary (or The Hon. Treasurer), M.H.R.A.” than to an individual
by name. This direction will especially be necessary during the months of
March and April when the Hon. Secretary will be unable to attend personally
to any but the most urgent business.
Professor J. M. Manly, President of the Association 1922-3, has been
elected a Vice-President. Professor J. G. Robertson has been re-appointed
Chairman of the General Committee. Miss M. K. Pope has been appointed
to serve on the Committee until September 30th 1924, in place of Mr J. Dover
Wilson who has resigned.
The Hon. Treasurer wishes to bring to the notice of all members that he
is glad to accept standing orders for the Bibliography of English Language
and Literature, which is now definitely established as an annual publication.
This procedure ensures that members who place such an order receive the
volume each year on publication; it also saves both parties a considerable
amount of trouble and helps to stabilise the finances of the Association. The
1922 volume, which was published last August, is still obtainable from the
Hon. Treasurer at 3s. 3d. per copy to members. The price to non-members
is 6s. and should be ordered through a bookseller.
Mr B.W. A. Massey, our Correspondent for Poland, wishes to make known
the fact that he is continuing to work upon problems connected with Robert
Browning and would be glad to hear from any who have entered the same field.
The following contributions are acknowledged with many thanks: Miss
Day, £1. 1s. od.; Anon., {1. 1s. od.; J. F. Fielden, Esq., 7s. 6d.; P. B. Whitt,
Esq., 7s. 6d.; Dr J. M. Clark, 7s. 6d.; Dr J. F. Bense, 7s. 6d.; A Bell, Esq.,
5s. od.; ;DrJ. Ww. Thirtle, 3s. od.; ;J. de Perott, Esq., 3s. "od. G. ‘A. Parry, Esq.,
2s.6d.; ’ Professor E. Tuttle, 2s. 6d:; Miss D. Pilkington, 2s. 6d.; Miss M. Burns,
28. 6d.3 ; J. Wilde, Esq., 2s. 6d; other small sums, 35. 3d. Total, £4. 18s. gd.
Publications of the Modern Language Assoctation of America. Edited by
Carleton Brown. Vol. xxxvu1. No. 3. September, 1923.
Revue Anglo-Americaine. Premiére Année. No. 1. October, 1923.
The Compound Epithets of Shelley and Keats. By B. W. A. Massey, M.A.
L’Enseignement du Frangais au temps jadis a [étranger, spectalement a
Hasselt. By Jean Gessler.
Members of the M.H.R.A. will be interested to hear of the recently
announced engagement of the Hon. Secretary, Professor E. Allison Peers,
to Miss Marion Young, elder daughter of J. F. Young, Esq., Duryard Grange,
Exeter, and will join in offering him heartiest congratulations and all good
wishes for the future. R. W.
Observations on Accounts to 30th September, 1923.
In drawing the Accounts for the year ending 30th September, 1923, it
was considered desirable to bring the Accounts right up to date, and make
provision for all accruing Income and Expenditure wherever possible.
It will be seen that the Expenditure in respect of the Modern Language
Reviete and in respect of the Bibliography includes the charges both for last
year and this present year. The amount which is included in respect of last
year is approximately £225, and this of course is responsible for the deficiency
on the year’s Accounts, which would otherwise have shewn a surplus.
The receipts from Grants ai Advertisements in respect of the Modern
Language Review, amounting to . 5s. 9d., have been set aside as a provision
to meet any contingent claim w! there may be for loss on publications of
the 1923 volume.
16th October, 1923
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